Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Looking Taller

XN50933X - popular elevator shoesTo make themselves look taller people have gone to some major extremes over the years. Whether it be by wearing multiple layers of socks, ridiculous high heels or even being friends with people shorter than themselves. But to look taller you don't need to be uncomfortable or change your friends, to look taller you just need to change what you wear on your feet. Elevator shoes are designed soley to make a man look taller, but it also makes them feel more confident too. I f you want to look taller get elevator shoes at

Monday, November 29, 2010

Making Men Taller

To make men taller most would think about turning to genetics but there's an easier solution.The less time consuming not to mention money saving solution to make men taller is much more simple, they're called elevator shoes. They can make men taller by 2'' to 5.5'' depending on the desired overall height. The secret to make men taller with elevator shoes is by the way they are constructed, using four parts to not only make men taller but to also provide optimum comfort.
elevator shoes that make you look taller, increase your height The first layer is called upper leather and it's basically the outer appearance of the shoe itself.
elevator shoes that make you look taller, increase your heightThe second layer is called the leather insole and this is where most of the height increase comes from along with most of the comfort.
elevator shoes that make you look taller, increase your heightNext, is the mid-insole, it protects the insole from deterioration along with increasing the height and comfort.
elevator shoes that make you look taller, increase your heightThe last part is called the outer-sole and it's the heal of the shoe and the remaining height, it helps the wearer feel more comfortable and provides for a natural step.

Thats the affordable way to make men taller, if proof is needed go to and read what the customers say about their ability to make men taller.