Thursday, September 6, 2012

Septic Medic

You may be wondering what septic medic is. It is a liquid, odorless, bacterial product for septic tanks that eliminates sulfide odor, digests excess sludge, and unclogs the drain field.
 It is also completely natural and non toxic. It is also beneficial for the environment. Septic Professionals across the country agree that septic medic with sulf-x is the best product available for eliminating a lot of foul odors. Along with its odor reducing ability, Septic medic’s hungry bacteria digest sludge at a maximum rate, restoring any septic tank to peak efficiency.  This means that the pump out rate, especially in sluggish tanks, will be dramatically reduced, saving you money.
            Septic medic is environmentally safe.  It has been proven non-toxic in the most demanding toxicity studies, and does not contain harmful surfactants or volatiles that are prohibited from use in many states.  Finally, Septic medic is odorless.  Unlike other septic additives, Septic medic has a neutral, slightly musty odor, and does not smell offensive when stored or when applied.  It will get the odor out of vents, drain fields, and pipes.  Using septic medic according to directions will keep your septic tank working at peak efficiency, and will keep the odor out, or your product will be replaced at no charge (one time replacement policy).
            Septic medic will also purge the drain field of organic blockages.  This is like a pump out of your drain field, without the cost of excavation and replacement.  The purging of the drain field means less puddling, reduced odors, and free-flow through your system (just as it was designed to perform). Septic medic is guaranteed to get the odor out so check us out at for more information.

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